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July 09, 2009

Tribute to Michael Jackson

In My Own Words

By Ohaga Ohaga

How hypocritical? Insincere? Duplicitous? Pathetic? Devious? Dishonest? Heartless? Can the world be? That after all that period, fifty years and on, we chose one evening to gather in pretences of showing and sending our deepest condolences and last respect to the fallen hero?

It is such a shame how the world expresses its emotions, in broad day light for the dead to see how cruel they can be.

Who exactly are we? or should I say are you duping?

Watching the world gather, as they mourn a fallen hero, the King of Pop, the famous pop artiste, triple award winning and the legendary Michael Jackson, I couldn’t help but wonder how people, we human beings, can be such a phony lot.

Everyone was okay until they learnt that Michael Jackson is dead.

And now, they are pretending, so pitifully and miserably lying before everyone and to themselves that they cared, loved, and adored the singer so much that they could die for him.
How poor can we get? How low can we stoop?

We all know how dishonest and unrealistic we are and can get. Shedding tears in pretence of mourning Michael Jackson. What a hogwash?

I still remember struggling with rage and anger as I restrained myself from breaking my television as I watched people, all round the world, crying with and in Jackson’s name, wearing his look-a- like souvenir attires, buying his albums, playing his music back to back just to show their condolences and respect for the fallen hero.

What a waste of time?

The good thing is that MJ knew this long time ago. The two-faced, devious, human nature and even did a song that was later sung by John Mayer on his memorial day.

As if he had anticipated something like this.

And as you mourn MJ, I got so many questions for you.

Where were you when Jackson was alive? Where were you when he was going through all the trials, tribulations and severe depression?

Did you believe in his innocence during the child molestations accusations, or do you do now? Do you have any of his albums or even know any of his songs?

Who exactly was Michael Jackson to you? Did you like his songs or his character?

Did you offer any support when the he was neck deep into debts that led to him swallowing anti-depressants that later led to his death? My guess is no.

Well, you just like any other human being with a mortal heart is a miserable lot who like the immortals.

You just like any other person out there is a pretender, a miserable lie, cheat, dishonest and pathetic hypocrite.

So what’s the point of buying his shirts and labels and everything when he is dead?

What are going to do with them?

And you celebrities, who thronged the Staples Center for the memorial ceremony.

Weren’t you busy with your recordings, photo shoots, and tours and acting commitments?

Or was this part of the celebrity stunts so that you can have ratings in the Forbes Magazine?

Let’s admit it. We human beings like people when they are dead.

It gives us opportunity to say what they were not.

To lie we loved them so much- even if we know the opposite.

It gives us the opportunity to read long scripted eulogies that has no meaning at all, satisfaction and gratification that at least we got near him.

The chance to do songs and read speeches, poems and use huge words and phrases that make no sense in describing the fallen hero.

Of all the good things I can say about MJ without being like everyone else is that, he was a character. Both in his artistic abilities and personality.

That is why his memorial service seems to have surpassed that of the Late.

Pope John Paul II and can only be compared to the election of President Barrack Obama of the United States of America.

When he died, I took me four days to believe he was dead.

For a moment I thought it was a stunt like that of Elvis Presley.

Until it dawned on me that he was actually gone.

That however did not stop me from watching the behavior of the world.
Where I noted that days before and his memorial, the world stood still and watched in television stations, listened to radio stations, read in the internet, as well as doing interviews about him.

Journalists had a field day recording the events and so were writers in marking the history not forgetting the historians in keeping the statistics and events.

That is what made Jackson the hero he was and still is.

I loved Michael Jackson. Not his personality but his creativity, his in genius ability, the skills, attitude and trying not be like anyone else.

He was neither black nor white and so appealed to everyone.

But that is as much as it goes.

My liking for him is because I loved his music, I appreciated his good art, and unlike many other artistes out there, he was a first and equal to none.

I feel bad that he is gone but that doesn’t make me pretender like the majority who don’t even know why they are saddened by his death.

MICHAEL, you were a hero and a genius.

Forgive our pretences, sympathies, long eulogies and tributes that you may have witnessed from where ever you are.

This is who we are. Mortal heart that loves nothing more than ourselves.

R.I.P Michael.

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